The Republicans have their echo chamber which allows them to influence the media, so it is my turn to help the other side.


Why You Should Vote Republican

Following the example in this post, I've decided to compile a list of reasons why you should vote Republican in the midterm election:

If you support corruption in government, then you should vote Republican.

If you are xenophobic and support unnecessary, expensive fences, then you should vote Republican.

If you want the government to control your sexual life (both pre and post conception), then you should vote Republican.

If you support a big budget and big deficit, then you should vote Republican.

If you think the government should listen to your phone calls, then you should vote Republican.

If you want to get rid of Constitutional rights (like Habeas Corpus), then you should vote Republican.

If you support subsidies for large profitable companies, then you should vote Republican.

If you deny climate change, then you should vote Republican.

If you hate gays, then you should vote Republican.

If you live in fear, then you should vote Republican.

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Blogger Unknown said...

1) Oh, so there is no corruption in government in the Democrat party?
2) Wanting strong national security doesn't make you xenophobic
3) How is the government controlling ANY of my sexual life???
4) How do you propose the Democrat party is going to control spending when they plan to spend even more money than republicans on special interests like the enviornment and universal healthcare?
5) I'd much rather have my phone calls listened to as long as it means I'm safe. Besides, I have nothing to hide.
6) Oh, so the Democrats aren't proponents of getting rid of constitutional rights, such as not being able to own a gun in your own home?
7) Oh right, big corporations are the problem. You know, the ones that DRIVE our economy
8) Actually, I do deny climate change. Al gore recently had to admit that in the past 8 years the average temperature of the Earth has either stayed the same or gone down. This years Winter was pretty damn cold too...hey isn't it funny that Al Gore's house is HUGE and consumes more energy than the average American's?
9) I don't hate gays. I'm just against gay marriage. Not gay rights.
10) I don't live in fear. I live in reality. I think it's the ignorance and naivety that liberals have of the world we live in to think we can just solve all of our problems by hoping for change! (and never getting results)



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